“Edges & Hedges” Solo Exhibition of John Connolly’s paintings 25th July – 15th August

“Edges & Hedges”
Solo exhibition by popular gallery artist John Connolly

Opening Saturday 25th July with a painting demonstration on the green opposite the gallery between 12-4

(Show continues to Saturday 15th August)

John says;

“As an artist, I am inspired by edges. Standing on a beach or on top of a cliff, the edge of the land… looking out to sea inspires me where two totally different worlds meet. When I look at the sea, it appears to be relatively unspoilt. I wonder at the ever changing light and colours. When I paint in the New Forest I enjoy being on the edge, sometimes looking in, and sometimes looking out.

I walk along the country paths near my home in Derbyshire and am drawn towards field edges. Its always interesting to see ‘what’s on the other side’ The hedges often dividing two different worlds.”

Edge – the point just before something very different and noticeable happens:
Hedge – a boundary – a line of bushes or small trees planted very close together, especially along the edge of a garden, field, or road:

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Socially Distanced Painting Demo by Grace Ellen – Saturday 20th June
June 19, 2020
John Connolly ‘Edges and Hedges’
October 20, 2020